Beach Clean By Kayak
Did you know that the Suffolk Coasts and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty covers an area of 403 square kilometres. This includes 283 kilometres of waterfront of which only 73 kilometres is coastal. The majority is shoreline along the 5 estuaries at the heart of our AONB.
The shore along the Orwell estuary is an important part of the AONB but is also a very busy waterway; running to the port of Ipswich. Being so busy creates all sorts of challenges, one of which is the amount of refuse & debris which collects in it & is then washed onto the shore.
The amount of litter & waste that washes down the Orwell from Ipswich is a blight on our landscape & a threat to our native wildlife.
Hosted by NOMAD Community Projects in conjunction with NOMAD Sea Kayaking, we are organising 'Beach Cleaning by Kayak' to help tackle some of the waste that has collected along these beaches on the Orwell, concentrating on the areas at Woolverstone and Nacton.
Launching from Pin Mill & travelling by sit on top kayak our group, led by our NOMAD Sea Kayaking Guides paddle groups up the estuary & land on a selection of designated beaches which need our help. Armed with gloves, litter picking equipment & collection bags, volunteers are be equipped to collect, collate & dispose of everything collected. Everything is then recycled using Terracycle.

People forget that our estuaries have issues with rubbish, just as our seas do. From plastics and debris blowing off the land, being dumped at sea or just people carelessly discarding things, it all ends up somewhere, usually washed up along the waters edge on coastal & inland beaches.
These items get caught along the shore in grasses or on low hanging branches. We, at NOMAD Community Projects in conjunction with our sister company NOMAD Sea Kayaking, are determined to do our part to make our countryside & coastal areas cleaner for both ourselves & more importantly the local wildlife and ecology.
NOMAD Community Projects has been awarded a grant from The Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to help with the costs of running this trip, which is why we are pleased to be able to offer this event with a small contribution from our guests to confirm their places and help us to cover a small portion of the costs that an event like this takes to organise. NOMAD Sea Kayaking will cover the balance of the costs of each seat booked in support of this important work.
Want to help your local environment?
Our next project is up for grabs so let us know if you have important work that needs to be done in your community, to benefit your environment. How about tree or hedge planting, conservation of local wildlife & insect populations or perhaps some general goodwill in your community like litter picking. Let us know.........