Help Us Help The Environment!
Come on peeps, get your finger out!! NOMAD Sea Kayaking has invested £50.00 for every booking we get for our 'Charity Beach Clean by Kayak' event. We supply your kayak, paddle, & buoyancy aid & we take all the risk & do the work. All this for just a £20 donation to NOMAD Community Projects, SAVING YOU £50! And all these funds go towards buying equipment to plant saplings & hedging to offset our carbon footprint & our customer's carbon footprint. What is there to think about.
Our last beach clean event on 1st May 2021 was a huge success with some seventy-seven kilograms of refuse collected in less than an hour of work with eleven pairs of hands. And everything was recorded for the Marine Conservation Society.
So you get to have a great few hours doing a healthy activity with pleasant company AND help our wildlife by collecting and processing a huge amount of rubbish already on our beaches. Send a powerful message to everyone. A message that this matters & it's important. Important to our children & grandchildren & the future of our planet.
Come down for a morning's healthy and positive activity & why not enjoy a meal & drink at the Butt & Oyster pub afterward. Booking is online, it's quick & simple & low cost & we really do need your support. Because without it, prices for these events will just go up & there will be fewer events available. You've all been complaining about the lockdown, so here's your chance to get off your tush & get active in a positive way. Stop talking about, step up & get stuck in!

We met Sam Lawrence at a sea kayaking symposium in Cornwall almost eight years ago when he was completing his ISKGA qualifications. Since then he has completed the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in the United States and worked in the Emirates for two years as a coach but his first love is writing. He is currently midway through his second novel and is a regular guest contributor to NOMAD Sea Kayaking.