Using a Recovery Strop when Sea Kayaking
The use of a recovery strop on the front deck of your sea kayak when conducting deepwater recoveries is hugely beneficial. We all have first-hand experience of the difficulties of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and the resulting lockdown. Now we are slowly being released from the constraints of lockdown, schools and event companies have been working hard to develop a 'socially distanced', deepwater recovery that allows for two-metre space between our Guide or Coach and the guest. Now that NOMAD Sea Kayaking has now rolled out our new socially distanced recovery to all of our events, the benefit of having a 'recovery strop' across the front deck is hugely helpful.
Have a look at the accompanying photos showing a rope strop, spliced at either end onto the deck lines at either side. These strops provide a solid and firm handhold for the casualty who is in the water, about to re-enter their kayak. Grabbing this strop also pulls the two kayaks together, thereby providing a solid, stable platform for the casualty to re-enter their kayak, particularly in some swell and moving water or when paddling in winter in cold water.
Ensure you use a marine-grade rope of a good diameter for the average hand size and a bright red or yellow colour helps the casualty to see the strop.
As for the splicing, this is easily done with a good quality marine-grade rope and simple splicing instructions can be found online.
It's a simple addition to any sea kayak but one worth its weight in gold and you'll thank us for it!

Since surfing with the pros as a kid in Durban South Africa on my hollow 12ft barge & getting absolutely trashed, I was hooked on sea paddling. Over a period of forty-two years I’ve surfed, white watered & sea kayaked in locations around the world. I've guided as a full-time professional for the past twenty one years & my journey continues.