Advanced Basics for Sea Kayakers (2 Days)

Advanced Basics for Sea Kayakers (2 Days)
This two day course is challenging & fun, pressure testing & refining your control skills to extend your kayaking skills in deep, tidal sea conditions.
This course is the next step in your development from the 'Intermediate Sea Kayaking’ course.
You have your paddle strokes and recoveries under your belt and you are effective in tidal water. Now, with our Advanced Basics for Sea Kayakers Course, we want to further develop your skills on open deep water. Emphasis is on advanced ‘basics’ focusing on the skills you need to extend your paddling adventures and and be safe in sometimes challenging positions. Students will need a dependable roll on one side and a good self-recovery. These skills will be extended to re-entry and roll in flat water initially and then extended to moving water on day two.
The course consists of two comprehensive training days taking in the sights and sounds of the lower Stour and Orwell estuaries and the rich maritime history of Harwich harbour. Day two is a full day at the mouth of the Deben estuary is moving water and small surf with a lot of fun to be had.
Participants should be very comfortable in their sea kayak and proficient in their control strokes before developing more advanced strokes and techniques. Each paddler should carry a personal tow line and a helmet and we will consider repair kits and grab bags as well as the methods for calling for assistance when out on the water. Cold water shock and hypothermia are key features for sea kayakers and we will look at both in some depth. We will break down our 'recovery' technique and ensure we are all completing recoveries as both the rescuer and the casualty, using the same method each time. This will require entering the water a number of times so come prepared. Recoveries may be conducted under pressure i.e. in small overfalls, strong flow up to 4-6 knots and in boating channels with flow.
COVID 19 - All of our courses now teach our newly developed 'Socially Distanced Assisted Recovery' approved for use in deep, tidal waters!
Our high instructor to client ratios will enable you to get a lot of individual feedback to inspire learning and so the groups are limited to eight (8) students with one coach and one assistant on any single program. NOMAD Sea Kayaking takes a tailored approach to all of our courses and this program is focused on guests wishing to further develop tidal sea kayaking skills. Training will take place in some moving water with the objective to improve your skills in sea state 3-4 in up to force 3-4 winds with horizontal and vertical sea movement – you will get wet! The training style is informal and relaxed. Please provide your logbook with an accurate record of all of your paddling, to your coach on the morning of your first day. We recommend you always train in your own decked kayak; if you don't have a kayak, please select from a touring or a sea kayak and we will provide this for you. This course is not available for sit-on-top kayaks.
Sixteen years of age and over. Trained or untrained - which are you?
Review - J. Lee Smythe, 4th July 2016
Brilliant, great time had! Two days of comprehensive paddling and skills coaching. The rough water day was ROUGH but that helped to improve my rough water skills, particularly stopping to take a few seconds to assess and formulate before acting. Sometimes a casualty can just swim out of a feature. My coach was great, patient, knowledgeable, and skilled and he constantly took me out of my comfort bubble in safe environments. Admin after booking was a little slow but I did book over a bank holiday. If you're considering this course, book it!
Learn to Eskimo Roll
Our Navigation Course is for kayakers who want to plan their own, unguided trips.
Navigation; Trip Planning for Sea Kayakers
Steven Danylenko
June 5th 2021
Joff Hayes
June 5th 2021
The course was well run and personalised to each of the participants. It was pitched midway between British Canoeing Sea Kayak Award (3*) and the Coastal Sea Kayak Award (4*). Kurt is happy to make time and for all participants and encourages interaction and between all on the course. Well worth doing either as a refresher or new learning.
The course content covers all of the Coastal 4 Star awards with the limitation of coastal features that we aren't always able to find here on the east coast i.e. rocks. As a guideline, we train in surf, clapotis and strong tidal flow.
Opposite Bristol Arms Pub, IP9 1PU
20th September 2025, 10:00 AM
Own sea kayak, buoyancy aid, paddle & safety equipment.
Free or pay & display.
Update: 3rd June 2021
Day 1: Confirmed for Harwich harbour with launch from Shotley (outside Bristol Pub, IP9 1PU).
Say 2: Bawdsey Quay (IP12 3AY) for training at the mouth of the Deben. Start both days is 10am.
Any questions to 01473 - 375 026 during business hours.
Sea Kayakers on this programme are expected to be switched on and adequately equipped with the following as a minimum;
- Helmet
- Spare split paddles on deck.
- Emergency grab bag.
- Practical and workable first aid kit.
- Spare warm clothing, food, and fluids.
- Three means of calling for assistance e.g. marine VHF, flares, whistle, heliograph, strobe et cetera.
- Tow System and contact tow.
All gear must be secured below deck & gear above deck secured to prevent it floating off during capsize. Careful thought should be given to paddle parks. Students will need a dependable roll on one side and a reliable self-recovery.
*Social distancing guidelines will be maintained on all NOMAD Sea Kayaking trips, courses, wild camps, and events. Your Lead Guide will provide guidance during your safety briefing.*
Please hire a waterproof Peli box when placing your booking or leave electronics behind. We won't be able to keep any other belongings for you; please leave these in your car or take them with you.