Frequently Asked Questions

What You Ought to Know!

This is one of the most informative pages on our website with direct answers to direct questions that most guests don't simply forget to ask.


Wild Camping Trips

I’ve never camped before – do I need any special skills?

No special skills are needed – camping is for the most part common sense. A pragmatic attitude helps & your Guides are there to help you with all aspects of your experience.

What equipment do I need?

In your ‘dashboard’ on our website will be a suggested ‘Kit List’. The items listed are for guidance only but provide a good list to follow for a comfortable camp. Of course, you can ring or email us at any point to get professional advice and guidance.

What about the toilet?

Within your ‘dashboard’ on our website is a document titled 'LEAVE NO TRACE' & dedicated to this important topic. Please read through it carefully & follow the guidance. NSK operates a simple 'Carry in, Carry out' policy ensuring the hygiene of our guests & cleanliness of the environment we enjoy. Our Guides are experienced & have developed & honed their techniques over years of operations in environments around the world; follow their guidance & don't hesitate to contact N.S.K. & ask questions. We are all very happy to share our experience & skills with our guests.

What clothing will I need?

Your clothes is split into two areas; wet clothes for paddling & dry clothes for the campsite, all layered for warmth & easy venting when it gets warm. Keep it simple & keep your gear to a minimum. Your event details on our website and within your ‘dashboard’ provide your guideline kit list provide all the information you need.

Will there be an open wood fire on the beach?

Your Guides will either bring dry wood in with the group or have a ‘stash’ of wood on the beach. Alternatively, driftwood is collected on some beaches. Your Guide/s will build, start & manage the fire for you & we maintain safety standards such as building & maintaining small fires, not burning refuse, & a six-step process to put our fires out & clear the area. NOMAD Sea Kayaking follows 'Leave No Trace' policies. (L.N.T.)